==== Eric J. Lentz ==== Eric Lentz is a computational stellar astrophysicist in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Tennessee and in the Physics Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He has worked on issues relating to the core-collapse supernova mechanism since joining the ORNL/UT Theoretical Astrophysics group in 2004. His work on the core-collapse supernova mechanism at UT/ORNL has included upgrading the spherically symmetric Agile-BOLTZTRAN code and using it to probe the requirements for core-collapse supernova modeling. Eric is also active in the CHIMERA multi-dimensional supernova modeling code/project, focusing developing and using the fully 3D version of CHIMERA. Prior to coming to East Tennessee, Eric was a post-doc working on stellar atmosphere modeling with the [[http://www.hs.uni-hamburg.de/EN/For/ThA/phoenix/index.html | PHOENIX]] code at the University of Georgia with Peter Hauschildt. Eric is also interested in the development and application of numerical radiation transport methods to stellar astrophysics and other modeling of stellar phenomena. Eric attended his home-state [[http://www.wisc.edu/ |University of Wisconsin]], where he performed with its infamous [[http://www.badgerband.com |marching band]]. He earned his degree in Astronomy, Meteorology, and Physics between hockey games, before entering graduate school at the [[http://www.nhn.ou.edu/ | University of Oklahoma ]]. At Oklahoma, Eric completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the modeling of Type Ia supernovae spectra under the direction of Eddie Baron. **E-mail:** elentz@utk.edu **Mailing address:** \\ Oak Ridge National Laboratory \\ Bldg. 6026, M.S. 6354 \\ P.O. Box 2008 \\ Oak Ridge TN 37831-6354 **Phone:** 865.574.6785 CV | [[http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-abs_connect?library&libname=ejlentz&libid=494ae7b274|Publications]]